The Andal Invasion brought iron and steel-forging technology to Westeros. Bronze was also utilized by the ancient Ghiscari Empire, based in the regions of Ghiscar and Slaver's Bay in Essos: The copper mines in the area were used to produce bronze armament for the Empire’s highly disciplined legions of foot soldiers. When the First Men migrated to Westeros twelve thousand years ago, they introduced weapons and armor made of bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) to the continent. The Children also fashioned grass, vines, and other natural elements into various traps and snares, and all of these implements were originally used for hunting. Although too brittle to fashion into swords, dragonglass is extremely sharp and could be made into highly effective daggers, arrowheads, and even spear tips.

The Children of the Forest utilized dragonglass - a black volcanic rock also known as "obsidian" - to craft their blades. In Westeros, the use of weapons dates back to the Dawn Age. A cache of dragonglass weapons were found buried at the Fist of the First Men.